第10回修士論文打ち合わせ 1時〜

What has been done so far

  • Understanding the concepts on Input/Intake
  • Collecting the resources on Input/Intake
  • Making the outline of 'How does input become intake?'

How does input become intake?

  1. Input hypothesis (Krashen 1982) and Natural approach
    • ignores the necessity of output (production)
  2. interaction hypothesis (Long 1980)
  3. comprehensible output hypothesis (Swain 1985)
    • negative feedback
    • recast
  4. conscious awareness (Schmidt 1990)
    • necessary and sufficient condition
  5. input, intake, developing system, and output (VanPatten 1992)
    • Teaching should focus on the process between input and intake (Input-based instruction, rather than that of output (Production-based instrution)
  6. Interaction activities (Pica 1987)
    • information-exchange task is better than decision-makng task
  7. Input and Interaction (Gass 2003)
    • negotiation and recast
    • recast is not enough, judging from students' uptake.
  8. Noticing (Ellis R. 1997)


  1. Input Hypothesisとそれ以外に分けた方がわかりやすい。
  2. Krashenとそれ以外では、Monitorの意味が違う。