Video Journal

  1. Class: 38 students of 2-6 in HSHS
  2. Date: April 18th, 2006
  3. Textbook: Unicorn English II p/b BUNEIDO
  4. Allotment: pp.63-65: Warm-up, Part 1
  5. Lesson objectives
    1. . To let students understand each task in this course, by checking the procedure in detail.
    2. . To make students experience well-balanced activities of four skills.
  6. Teaching objectives
    1. . To explain the new activities slowly and clearly.
    2. . To create friendly atmosphere.
  7. Outline of the procedure
    1. 15min. Memorization test of English composition
    2. 20min. Explanation and checking the answer of the workbook.
    3. 10min. Practice of reading the passage of the workbook aloud x3 (Pair, Parallel, Buzz reading)
    4. 10min. Listening Quiz on page 63.
    5. 10min. Essay writing on reading on page 63.
    6. 10min. Explanation of important points in Part 1, using the blackboard.
    7. 5min. Pair reading practice (Read and lookup).
  8. Post-class reflections

Since this is the second lesson in the second grade for this class, the main lesson objective for me is to keep the steady pace in every activity. On the other hand, I was worried that too much explanation would make the lesson monotonous. The priority is on the former, but still the balance is important. As for the steady, rather slow pace to provide enough explanation for each activity, I think it is OK, but I feel too much explanation made students a bit tired. This impression is from my visual image.
Except for too much explanation, I think I was friendly in the class, and students sometimes laughed in the class.
This lesson was for 90 minutes, so I prepared 6 activities, again to avoid the monotonous atmosphere. Students participated in each activity very well. However except (3) the aural reading practice, the activity format is based on the teacher-dominated method, so students seemed obedient to me almost all the time. I should have increased the time for solo or pair activities.