
Title: Activating student motivation, autonomy and curiosity via action research

Purpose of the study:

To improve English II lessons for second graders of Hyogo Senior High School

Target of the study:

Students' attitudes toward studying English

Focus of the study:

Choice and arrangement of the tasks in the lesson

Theoretical frameworks

  1. Teacher adaptability
    1. Better practices by other teachers are well adapted for your classes through action research.
    2. Procedures of action research: Exploring, Identifying, Planning, Collecting data, Analyzing / Reflecting, Hypothesizing / Speculating, Intervening, Observing, Reporting, Writing, Presenting - Burns (1999)
  2. Input-intake mechanism
    1. Input hypothesis and natural approach - Krashen (1981), Krashen and Terrell (1983)
    2. Interaction hypothesis - Long (1981)
    3. Output hypothesis - Swain (1985)
    4. Noticing hypothesis - Schmidt (1990)
  3. Learner autonomy
    1. Each student has a different level of English ability, and thus needs a different approach to learn English.
    2. Five principles for fostering autonomy in the classroom - Benson (2003)
      1. Students should be actively involved in their own learning.
      2. Teachers should provide a range of learning options and resources.
      3. Teachers should offer choices and decision-making opportunities to students.
      4. Teachers should support the learners.
      5. Teachers should encourage students’ reflection on their decision.

Practices in this thesis

  1. Quantitative research
    1. Preliminary investigation A: Benesse Study Support (BSS)
    2. Pre-treatment: Study Problems 20 - Pre (Pre-SP20)
    3. Post-treatment: Study Problems 20 - Post (Post-SP20)
    4. Factor analysis
  2. Qualitative research
    1. Videotaped sessions
    2. Reflective journal sessions
    3. Class observation by a colleague

Significance of the study

  1. Integration of qualitative and quantitative research
  2. Comprehensive improvement on English II lessons
  3. Application for further studies

Future of the study

  1. Other environments
  2. More collaborative approach
  3. Application to other subject


  • Dictoglossを使ったCollaborative worksの研究では、上下差の大きいペアを組ませると、成績下位者を大幅に引き上げる効果があることがわかった。
  • Vocabulary Learning Strategyに関する研究では、教師からの指導が入らなければ、生徒は必ずしも効果的とは言えない楽な手法(Silent Reading)に流れてしまうことがわかった。語彙学習で効果を上げるには、さまざまな手法の組み合わせが効果的。単一の指導に頼らないように、継続的に指導していくことが必要。
  • Reflective practice系の修士論文が半数以上。それぞれ面白いと思うが、自分の授業に生かせる部分は少ない。