修士論文中間発表会 1/2

高校生に対する多読指導と情意、読解ストラテジーとの関係 - 縦断的研究 by I

  1. 多読が、「英語・英語学習に対する態度や動機」に効果・影響を及ぼすか。及ぼす場合どのような効果・影響を及ぼすか・・態度・動機に肯定的感情が増す。
  2. 多読が、「読解ストラテジー」に効果・影響を及ぼすか。及ぼす場合、どのような効果・影響を及ぼすか・・・コンテクストから意味を推測する読解ストラテジーをとる傾向が高まる。直読ちょっかいについては、影響が見られなかった。
  3. 多読による読書量は、「英語・英語学習に対する態度や動機」、「読解ストラテジー」に影響を受けるか・・・影響は小さい。

From Awareness to Action - the Role of Reflective Practice in My Change As a Teacher by C

  • Tools: Journal Writing, Discussions with a Mentor, Video Taking, Students' Reflection, Interview with my students
  • KASA: Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Awareness by Donald Freeman

The Effects of a Process Writing Approach on Japanese High School Students by T

  1. Process writing
    1. Brainstorming
    2. Discovery draft
    3. Revising
    4. Editing
    5. Publising (Tamai 1994)
  2. Graded on five analytic scales
    1. content
    2. organization
    3. vocabulary
    4. language use
    5. mechanics
  3. In the process approach effective in developing the writig ability of high school students in a novice level of English proficiency?
  4. Does the process approach contribute to reduce students' difficulty in writing English?
  5. Does the process approach to writing after reading comprehension increase student's motivation to expres themselves in English?

A Study of English Loanwords by N

  1. Category of Loanwords
    • Category 0: Helpful cognates: one-piece, pioneer, average
    • Category 1: Semantic narrowing: tuna, garage, company
    • Category 2: Divergent cognate: dry, sense, trainer
    • Category 3: Clipped form: plastic bag, skin ship, ballpoint pen
    • Category 4: Hybrid: inflation, air conditioner, illustration
    • Category 5: Flase friend: consent, escape, mansion, smart
    • Category 6: Japanized English: one-man, high teens, frontglass, zipper, home drama

The study of material development in practical English class on listening and speaking by N

  • CELM: Closed Eyes Listening Method

Communicative Language Teaching in Writing Class - Authenticity in Communicative Language Teaching by S

  1. Translating poem project
  2. Five line poem project
  3. Introducing yourself project