Video Journal


UNICORN English Course II, Lesson 8 Nelson Mandela, part 4


12:00-12:05 Review of the vocabularies by chorus reading and quick response
12:05-12:07 Pair reading, back to back, sentence by sentence
12:07-12:13 QA session by columns and rows
12:13-12:22 Introduction of new vocabularies of part 4
12:22-12:26 Answering students' questions
12:26-12:33 Recasting interpretation of part 4
12:33-12:35 Pair parallel reading, back to back
12:35-12:45 Explanation of part 4


  • Nowdays, the basic pattern of the lesson is almost the same, but the activity and the time allocation for each activity are different. Students seemed enjoying the lesson, so I believe that is passable.
  • This lesson was done after 3 consecutive lessons. I kept talking from 9:25-12:45. This made my handwriting on the board messy. 授業が3時間続いた後の4時間目になると、黒板の字が雑になる。しゃべりはそうでもないのだが。
  • Students seemed a bit tired, so I used back-to-back reading, which enabled students to read louder and louder. Perfect success!
  • I used more time for vocabulary introduction. I want to increase stdents' knowledge of vocabulary, not by rote-memorization, but through the knowledge of affix, such as courage, encourage, discourage.
  • Today, relating the pronuciation of bury, I focused on BU sounds; bus, business, bullying, and bury. Students seemed interested in these.